Jane Tarzan all Scrambled Up Jane

Hello! Ready to unscramble these Tarzan words?! Good luck & have fun! : )

1. erseutoeh

2. etrk

3. sekhscte

4. akal

5. ejna

6. tenlpalh ahri

7. natrto

8. ashdn

9. girloal

10. heapnetl

11. rotrpe

12. taherabet

13. rsoba

14. anatzr

15. hceskriwp

16. ckhrkea

17. tilelt nmkyoe

18. yctnalo

19. ealrpod

20. euljgn

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JaneTarzan Jane

Here are some people that have tried my scramble :

  1. Drew got 16 out of 20 right. Good job. =)
  2. Bailey got 17 out of 20 right. Good job. =)

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